I wish I could spend all my time doing art - just wandering around taking pictures, coming home to chill out while working on them, and somehow the house would always be clean, maintained, and fully stocked.
I have too much to do to be able to add more. A weekly challenge, ok - it doesn’t sound like much, but I like to take my time when it comes to my photography. If I had endless amounts of time, I would only do photography… But I have bills, I ain’t rich, so I work, pay the bills, clean the apartment, feed the cats, and keep the pantry full. In the end, the time I have left is for my GF and to take a breath.
No - I would rather have time to work on my pictures, to wander with my camera, to do it the way I like to do it.
So yeah, challenge, maybe when I have more time; for now, I’d rather just take the time to do what I want, and do it well. So yeah, maybe another time…
If I was able to walk, I would be outside today with the students, because it is time.
Time to think…
Time to give a voice to the planet…
Time to change.
Time, time, time, time to think, time to have a voice for the planet. Time to change. There is no planet B.