This summer I went to Vancouver. Posting about it only 6 month late? GF said I am getting better. I guess this is more like a delayed blog… a slow blog?
My GF had to go to Vancouver for a few day and I decided to tag along - the timing wasn’t great, but why not, since I had never been before. As a Canadian, I wanted to see both sides of my country, and I am glad that I did - now I have to check the in-between. :)
Vaconver has a nice clean feel; the buildings are new and modern and the nature is abundant. Trees are big and mountains are green (at least, they were this time of year). We went to Stanley Park We meet up with a friend.
The vegan food was great; we wish we had some of these restaurants back in Montreal. It was some of the best pizza (Virtuous Pie) and “chicken” (Meet) we’d tried.
The downside of Vancouver was the heroin/fentanyl epidemic. We walked on East Hastings Street for pizza, and I didn’t feel safe - didn’t even take pictures… crazy.
We will go back again, but next time we will travel a bit farther - need to head into the mountains and see more of the coast. Maybe Seattle, too.
I will see you again Vancouver